Health is Wealth – Episode 4 – Meditation

Meditation, a tool that has been so popular for ages is more talked and researched about now than ever for its value in our day to day lives, from simple benefits like keeping the mind clear and calm, unwind from the stress to healing complex life style diseases like Hypertension, Depression, Anxiety, Crohns disease, Colitis and many others.

In this Episode on Meditation, Guru Sunita Bapooji through her usual subtle, simple, serene, style and sense of humour peels the layers of the most complex material of the world “Mind” to help us understand the essence of Meditation.

I am sure given an opportunity we all are looking for ways to achieve work-life balance. We want the ability to create abundance in wealth and health for our family and society. If so, then meditation is the answer, to regulate and capture the power of mind to channel the energy for the benefit of Self and Society.

Meditation is the way to achieve the harmony in our lives for not only inner peace, but also maximize & optimize the Physical, Mental and Emotional energies for leading a life filled with good choices that make a positive influence on ourselves, family and the society.

Lets embrace the Silent Path to break the barriers of Mind.

Mother is Yoga – Sunita Bapooji

Yoga chittha vritthi nirodhaha
Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind

Sunita Bapooji - Mother is Yoga

On this auspicious occasion of Mothers day it is with infinite bliss I wish all the Mothers in the world Peace, Joy and Love in all aspects of their lives.

Mother is a divine force of creation on Earth. Mother is a
representation of the energy of all forms from bearing, rearing and nurturing the life. As a Mother myself, I feel honoured to have been given an opportunity to share my thoughts with you all.

As we all know Yoga is the Union of Mind and Body. It is state of Bliss where Mind is calm and still. One Saint, Vinoba Bhave, from India used to have lot of discussions about Karma (Action), Jnana (Knowledge) and Bhakti (Devotion) Yogas. He always wondered why people could not make all these forms of Yoga part of their life. Karma Yoga – The Yoga of Action, which means to perform duties without any expectation of results and develops a level of detachment and in a way that gives us infinite peace. Jnana Yoga is the way of attaining that Bliss by using Knowledge as a weapon to fight and clean the impurities and wavering of mind. Bhakti Yoga is a way of attaining the peace by developing devotion to the Supreme Force or God and completely surrender all the thoughts and actions to that Pure Energy.

So Vinoba Bhave spent a lot of time trying to find this person who would make all these forms of Yoga, a way of life. One day the light dawned upon him and he was in extreme joy that he found the answer. He declared and announced “It is the Mother who practices all forms of Yoga”.

The Mother cooks for the children with an unselfish attitude – this is Karma Yoga— performing her duties with no expectations for herself – Yoga of Action. She sees that the food is cooked with proper nutrition and taste – this is Jnana Yoga – Yoga of Knowledge. She feeds her children with unconditional love with utmost devotion – this is Bhakti Yoga – Yoga of Devotion.

This story I heard from my father who was my first Guru. My mother was uneducated but she was innocent and Pure, without realizing she had been practicing these three forms of Yoga all her life.

But in the modern world we are forgetting the essence of these ancient approaches to life. We are caught in the rat race of life forgetting the pure energy that is present in every single person. If a woman has been gifted to create a new life within, can you imagine the potential a woman has within? Unfortunately we cover the Pure Energy by the emotions of Jealousy, Selfishness, Greed, Possessiveness and Anger, creating Hell on Earth.

Many realizations from my childhood have resulted in the birth of ‘Sookshma Yoga and Meditation’. I believe that 90% of the human suffering is because of Self-Inflicted pain. Sookshma tools are ‘Purity and Bliss’. Benefits you will gain in the long run are cumulative and the life will progressively undergo a miraculous transformation. Slowly but surely you will know what Joy really means. Everything is possible with Sookshma. Sookshma has the power to influence not just you, but generations to come for hundreds of years. Ask yourself this question: Am I really Happy? Am I really peaceful every moment? Please give yourself an honest answer. From your answer you decide what is important for life. There is something I would like to say before I conclude. Postures and Breathing exercises are only part of Yoga, they are not the complete system of Yoga. Eternal Bliss can be experienced only with Purity of thought.


Roller Coaster ride of IBS – K. K. Das

As the flight landed in Vancouver on April 14th, I brought with me a stomach full of pain and turmoil. As I walked out of the airport with a dawning age of 65, feeling weak and vulnerable with a stomach that put my life on a rollercoaster ride for 40 years, my son comforted me that it will all be fine. This gave me a glimmer of hope that Sookshma Meditation and Sunita Bapooji may show me some relief with Irritable Bowl Syndrome that was diagnosed 20 years back. I went to doctors and they confirmed that it is IBS as they saw traces of ulcers in Endoscopy. I took medicines for 2 months, it cured me for sometime, but it was not permanent. After a gap, this problem again recurred.

I always coped with my weak Gastro Intestinal system, with frequent outbursts of pain, acidity, gas and frequent diarrhea.

“I started to understand that this is more than regular yoga and meditation.”

In first 2 sessions of Sookshma meditation, Sunita taught me some subtle yoga and breathing exercises and she personally trained and guided me with my inner observation and meditation. It is not just simply lying or sitting, but also concentrating on the each and every aspect of my body and finally vacating the mind without any thoughts for about 30-45 min. I have been meditating for the past 20 years, but Sunita’s Sookshma is different. I realized Meditation is not about closing the eyes and sitting, but at the end one needs to feel rejuvenated and energized like I felt here with Sunita

After 4 sessions I again got severe pain in stomach 2 times and she told me that this is the elimination phase where the toxins that are accumulated in the system are being purged naturally. I started to understand that this is more than regular yoga and meditation. So after 2 weeks, I found the stomach pain has totally disappeared. I feel the strength in my stomach. Sunita also suggested some dietary changes. Instead of polished white rice I started to use only the short grain brown rice with more vegetables and with not too much oil and fried food. Now I am comfortable eating brown rice and not finding any difficulty. There is no fluctuation in my digestive system any more.

Also because of the exercises and meditation, the other body pains and all the knee joint pains are gone. Previously after midnight the sleep used to get disturbed many times because of stomach pain in spite of taking Restyl sleeping pills, since many years. I stopped taking these pills and I am getting very peaceful deep sleep at least 5-6 hrs without any disturbance. Even I used to have leg pain when I used to go for long walks. But here when I go for walks, that pain is not there any more. Mind is very calm, cool and quite. There are no worries at all. I feel more jubilant, very comfortable and joyful.

“I have been meditating for the past 20 years, but Sunita’s Sookshma is
different. “

Sunita is very open, deeply connects, understands the problem and patiently listens. She never insists that one should strictly follow the exercises. She gives clear explanation exercises and the benefits in a very subtle way. She is very humble and doesn’t show authority that other teachers usually have. She made me feel that I am part of the family with her compassion. She has all qualities of a Yoga guru. I am leaving this beautiful city and a divine guru like Sunita with more vigour and rigour in life. I yearn to come back soon.