Health is Wealth – Episode 4 – Meditation

Meditation, a tool that has been so popular for ages is more talked and researched about now than ever for its value in our day to day lives, from simple benefits like keeping the mind clear and calm, unwind from the stress to healing complex life style diseases like Hypertension, Depression, Anxiety, Crohns disease, Colitis and many others.

In this Episode on Meditation, Guru Sunita Bapooji through her usual subtle, simple, serene, style and sense of humour peels the layers of the most complex material of the world “Mind” to help us understand the essence of Meditation.

I am sure given an opportunity we all are looking for ways to achieve work-life balance. We want the ability to create abundance in wealth and health for our family and society. If so, then meditation is the answer, to regulate and capture the power of mind to channel the energy for the benefit of Self and Society.

Meditation is the way to achieve the harmony in our lives for not only inner peace, but also maximize & optimize the Physical, Mental and Emotional energies for leading a life filled with good choices that make a positive influence on ourselves, family and the society.

Lets embrace the Silent Path to break the barriers of Mind.

Health is Wealth- Episode 3 – ‘Dialogue on Diabetes’ continues….

We continue our discussion on Diabetes from the previous episode of our on-going health series ‘Health is Wealth’.

In this segment, we chat with Sunita Bapooji to understand many other interesting aspects of this dreadful disease.

Sunita Bapooji also takes us through a journey of Yoga asanas that are very good in preventing and curing Diabetes. Also we feature a recipe made from Bitter guard which is found to be one of the best vegetables in prevention and cure of Diabetes.

Meena Kollipara takes us on a culinary trip into the land of spices from Indian kitchen to show us medicinal value of these Subtle and Simple ingredients that form the foundation of healing in day to day cooking from Indian Sub continent. We continue to look forward for your feedback and suggestions as we try our best to view the Health with both eyes, Ancient and Modern perspectives.

Health is Wealth – Episode 2 – ‘Diabetes- A Sweet Disease’

Dear Friends,

We are pleased to bring you the second episode of  “Health is Wealth”.  Starting with this episode and going forward, we delve deeper into understanding simple and complex problems that affect our Mind and Body.

In this episode we discuss a “sweet” disease, that can adversely impact the Body and Mind, namely Diabetes. Sunita Bapooji is back to speak to us about ancient wisdom, her experiences with Diabetes in her family, and more universally, to tell us about several simple day to day life-style changes we can embrace to prevent the onset of Diabetes.

We hope you enjoy this episode and we look forward to your sending us valuable feedback and suggestions to evolve this series in a way that you and your family find educational, entertaining and enlightening.


Sookshma Workshop – International Day of Peace 2010

Peace Tree Inoovations Society humbly brings to you “Sookshma Meditation by Sunita Bapooji” this fall, on October 2nd 2010 to Coquitlam BC.
This also coincides with International Day of Peace that Peace Tree celebrates every year.

Date: October 2nd 2010
Time: 9AM – 10:30 AM
Location: Timbers Club (Hockey Room), 3090 Dayanee Springs Blvd, Coquitlam V3E 0C2
Price: 25 CAD

Please bring Yoga Mat, Blanket to cover and a Napkin.

Please RSVP as there are only 20 seats available.

Techniques are available every where, but if you want to receive the guidance of a Self Realized Master and dwell in the Bliss of Pure Yogic healing energy, this is an opportunity of Life time.

Power of Master – Dr.Suman K

We see so many saints, preachers, master, Gurus in the world who are contributing their own little wisdom or power of transformation to the humanity for better of human thought.
We treat some as ordinary mortals, some as Gurus, some has Demi-Gods, and some as Super Gods.
All these experiences and manifestations are from within our own mind depending on how we perceive their grace, wisdom and experience the Knowledge and energy transferred by them. Continue reading “Power of Master – Dr.Suman K”

Sunita Bapooji Speaks on Campaign for Crohn’s disease – Mothers Day 2009


Sunita Bapooji speaks on Mothers day 2009 event – Campaign for Crohn’s disease conducted by Peace Tree Innovations Society. She is known for curing most complex diseases like Crohn’s, Colitis, IBS and many more just through her Pure Healing Vibrations & cleansing the system. She allows one to realise the Mind-Body connection in our day to day life. She is also know as “Surgeon of Vibrations” who uses the potential in every single cell in the body to cure and heal diseases of Mind and body. She believes that we all are built on the foundation of a subtle body which is ‘Energy’ and when this Energy is clean and pure body can live healthy and happy without any problems. She emphasizes that each cell in the body can live for ages together if cared properly with simple practises & discipline in our lives.

A tribute to my Guru – Sunita

On this auspicious day of ‘Guru Poornima’ it is an honor for me to share a few thoughts about this ‘Living Saint- Sunita’ who has touched hearts of millions. Guru Poornima is celebrated all around the world on this Full Moon day as a tribute to the Gurus/Masters who walked on Earth to impart knowledge and experience of the ‘Infinite’ by uplifting human spirit from suffering. For such Gurus who liberate us from the bounds of Mind and Body, this is a humble salutation. … Continue reading “A tribute to my Guru – Sunita”